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COVID-19 Response

With the emergence of COVID-19 all businesses have had to adapt to safeguard the health of its staff, suppliers and customers.  We’ve listened to the advice given by the Government and acted accordingly to ensure that we provide a safe environment for our team and that they’re kept up to date with all current advice from Public Health England.  The steps we’ve taken so far are listed below and we’ll continue to review and develop our approach in line with recommendations.

Hand Washing – All staff in the office and on the factory floor are asked to regularly wash their hands.  Hand sanitiser has been placed around both the office and factory.  All staff must wash their hands immediately upon entering the building.  Signs have been placed around the site reminding everyone to wash their hands for 20 seconds and to avoid touching their face.

Site cleaning – We’ve increased the frequency of both office and factory cleaning.

Office staff – Where possible office staff work from home.  Those in the offices must maintain a minimum distance of 2m from each other and follow the hand washing guidelines.

Production staff – All production staff will self-distance at their workstation and follow the hand washing guidelines.

Travel – Non-essential business travel has been postponed. This does not include deliveries which will continue as normal.

In addition to the steps taken to safeguard the health of our staff we have also taken steps to safeguard the health of our business and ensure that customers continue to receive the best possible levels of service. These include: –

Staff training – Cross training production staff so that they can operate other machines.

Shift patterns – Working with staff to individually identify suitable hours to accommodate school closures.

Temporary staff – Hiring temporary staff to provide sickness cover as required.

Seamless service – We are using market leading remote working software to ensure seamless service.

As part of The Vista Group, BPC is an extremely robust business and our team will pull together to continue to deliver on product quality, customer service and maintain our competitive prices.