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Builders Metalwork range.

Timber Engineering Hardware

A nail plate system for manual use which enables the construction of timber structures on site to strengthen joints for non-structural applications. Automated production ensures uniform hole positions.

This glide shoe is designed to allow horizontal movement at truss bearing without affecting the overall stability of the truss whilst continuing to provide resistance to lateral and uplift forces. Secures raised tie or scissor trusses to the wall plate.

Used to attach and support roof truss from girder truss. Higher qualified load performance and increased hole centres to spread load over a greater area. Manufactured from 1.2mm thick material.

Mono truss shoe is designed for the support of a short span, mono or in-fill truss where the lower weight loadings are required over a standard girder truss shoe.

A nail plate system for manual use which enables the construction of timber structures on site to strengthen joints for non-structural applications. Automated production ensures uniform hole positions.

Attaches trusses and rafters to wall plates to provide wind restraint. Avoids skew nailing damage and provides positive resistance to wind forces.